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将月份做为字段名,并且反映逐月增幅的交叉表处理 /*--原帖地址: http://community.csdn.ne ... l?temp=.4308588 --*/
--测试数据 create table tb(year int,month int,No varchar(10),Name varchar(10),部门 varchar(10),工资 int) insert tb select 2004,10,'A001','AAA','DDD',1000 union all select 2004,10,'B001','BBB','DDD',800 union all select 2004,11,'A001','AAA','DDD',1100 union all select 2004,11,'B001','BBB','DDD',1000 union all select 2004,12,'A001','AAA','DDD',1200 union all select 2004,12,'B001','BBB','DDD',1050 /*--处理要求 将月份做为字段,并且反应逐月的工资增幅,例如上面的数据要求结果如下,注意最小的年月是没有增幅的 No Name 部门 2004_10 2004_11 2004_11增幅 2004_12 2004_12增幅 ------ ------ ------ --------- -------- ----------- --------- ------------ A001 AAA DDD 1000 1100 10.00% 1200 9.09% B001 BBB DDD 800 1000 25.00% 1050 5.00% --*/ go --查询处理 declare @s nvarchar(4000),@i int select @s='',@i=0 select @s=@s+','+quotename(fd) +'=sum(case when a.year='+year +' and a.month='+month +' then a.工资 end)' +case @i when 0 then '' else ','+quotename(fd+'增幅') +'=cast(cast(sum(case when a.year='+year +' and a.month='+month +' then a.工资-b.工资 end)*100.' +'/sum(case when a.year='+year +' and a.month='+month +' then b.工资 end)' +' as decimal(10,2)) as varchar)+''%''' end,@i=@i+1 from( select year=rtrim(year),month=rtrim(month), fd=rtrim(year)+'_'+rtrim(month) from tb group by year,month)a exec('select a.No,a.Name,a.部门'+@s+' from tb a left join tb b on a.No=b.No and a.Name=b.Name and a.部门=b.部门 and a.year=b.year+(b.month)/12 and a.month=b.month%12+1 group by a.No,a.Name,a.部门') go --删除测试 drop table tb |